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Endocrine Disruption
Government Agencies
Scientific Sources
Lead's Urban Legacy
Lead’s Urban Legacy deals with lead, a pervasive environmental pollutant that alters the biological signals in the human nervous system. The adverse effects of lead on brain health and function have been known since the Roman Empire.
Environmental Health Perspectives -- NIEHS
Environmental Health Perspectives (EHP) is a monthly journal of peer-reviewed research and news published by the U.S. National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences, National Institutes of Health, Department of Health and Human Services. EHP's mission is to serve as a forum for the discussion of the interrelationships between the environment and human health by publishing in a balanced and objective manner the best peer-reviewed research and most current and credible news of the field.
Planetary Health: A New Perspective -- Lancet
Lancet's newly launched discipline seeks connections between such broad fields as human health and natural systems. "The Lancet Planetary Health is an open access journal committed to publishing high-quality articles on the health of human civilisation and the natural systems in which it depends".
Environmental Health Science Education
The National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS), is one of 27 research institutes and centers that comprise the National Institutes of Health (NIH) , U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS). The mission of the NIEHS is to reduce the burden of human illness and disability by understanding how the environment influences the development and progression of human disease.
EPA’s Endocrine Disruptors Research
Evidence suggests that environmental exposure to EDCs may cause adverse health effects in human and wildlife populations. Considerable uncertainty exists regarding the relationship(s) between adverse health outcomes and exposure to environmental contaminants. ORD’s Endocrine Disruptor Research Program conducts both basic and applied research to develop the fundamental scientific principles used by the EPA program and regional offices in making risk assessment decisions.
Signaling Pathways Project
The Signaling Pathways Project is a multi-omics knowledgemine based upon public, manually curated transcriptomic and cistromic (ChIP-Seq) datasets involving genetic and small molecule manipulations of cellular receptors, enzymes and transcription factors. Our goal is to create a resource where scientists can routinely generate research hypotheses or validate bench relevant to cellular signaling pathways.
Dirty Dozen Endocrine Disruptors
The Environmental Working Group’s 12 Hormone-Altering Chemicals and How to Avoid Them.There is no end to the tricks that endocrine disruptors can play on our bodies: increasing production of certain hormones; decreasing production of others; imitating hormones; turning one hormone into another; interfering with hormone signaling; telling cells to die prematurely; competing with essential nutrients; binding to essential hormones; accumulating in organs that produce hormones.
Endocrine Disrupters, The Why Files
Part of the Why Files Web site spearheaded by the University of Wisconsin-Madison answers general questions about endocrine disrupting chemicals.
Environmental Health Policy Institute, PSR
Physicians for Social Responsibility Environmental Health Policy Institute is an online forum of physicians, health professionals, and environmental health experts.
Endocrine Disruptor Research Initiative
The US Environmental Protection Agency provides links to publications, an inventory of government-sponsored research, and the National Science and Technology Council's (NSTC) Committee on the Environment and Natural Resources (CENR), which coordinates federal government research related to endocrine disruption.
Endocrine Disruptor Screening Program
The US Environmental Protection Agency provides information concerning implementation activities of the screening program set forth through recommendations made by the Endocrine Disruptor Screening and Testing Advisory Committee (EDSTAC) in 1998 to screen, classify, identify, and regulate endocrine disruptors.
European Commission Endocrine Disrupter Research
The European Commission explains endocrine disruption; reviews the governments use of the precautionary principle to regulate chemicals and products; and presents news and documents relating to the EC's studies, assessments, and conclusions regarding endocrine disrupting chemicals.
Environmental Health News
Contains daily links to press coverage of environmental health isuses, plus links to science digests of new, relevant findings and links to reports by organizations working on related issues.
Office of Research on Women's Health (ORWH)
ORWH works in partnership with the NIH institutes and centers to ensure that women's health research is part of the scientific framework at NIH and throughout the scientific community.
Fooling with Nature
Contains summaries, interviews, references, pictures, and more information that accompanied a June 1998 Frontline program about endocrine disrupting chemicals on Public Broadcasting Service channels.
GreenFacts.org presents 3-tiered reviews of environmental and health-related reports published by various international organizations. The endocrine disruptors section explains how they act, potential effects, and exposure sources.
Healthy Milk, Healthy Baby
The National Resources Defense Council presents information about breast milk contaminants (includes types, levels, harm, and preventing chemicals in human milk), the benefits of breastfeeding, and problems with infant formula.
Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ASTSDR)
A US Department of Health and Human Services agency, the ATSDR surveys, assesses, and informs about the effects
of environmental hazardous substances on public health in order to minimize and prevent exposures and disease related to toxic substances.
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
The CDC promotes health and quality of life by preventing and controlling disease, injury, and disability. Also, the CDC provides
health information, travel advisories. Its National Center for Environmental Health (http://www.cdc.gov/nceh/default.htm) conducts research, supplys environmental health information, and sponsors seminars.
The International Programme on Chemical Safety (IPCS)
IPCS, a part of the World Health Organization, published a
global assessment of endocrine disruptors in 2002 and oversees the Global Endocrine Disruptor Research Inventory.
National Center for Toxicological Research (NCTR)
The US FDA's NCTR conducts research in developmental toxicology, including estrogens, phytochemicals, and reproductive health.
National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS)
NIEHS, a branch of the National Institutes of Health (NIH), works to reduce human illness and dysfunction caused by environmental factors by using multidisciplinary biomedical research programs, prevention and intervention efforts and communication strategies. Publishes the Environmental Health Perspectives journal.
National Institutes of Health (NIH)
The NIH focuses on biomedical research in the US through funding, training, and implementing research.
National Toxicology Program
NTP, an interagency program, coordinates toxicological testing programs and provides information about potentially toxic chemicals and their health effects.
United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)
International agency overseeing global endocrine disruption activities,hosting meetings and workshops on research
and policy, and providing information on persistent organic pollutants (POPs).
US Environmental Protection Agency
US EPA oversees US environmental regulation, provides extensive information relating to environmental protection,
and manages the Endocrine Disruptor Screening Program and Endocrine Disruptor Research Initiative.
US Geologic Survey
The USGS oversees environmental monitoring of US water and land and publishes reports, articles, and other information
relating to prevalence and effects of endocrine disrupting chemicals in the environment.
Global Assessment of the State-of-the-Science of Endocrine Disruptors. 2004. WHO/PCS/EDC/02.2. International Programme on Chemical Safety. World Health
National Report on Human Exposure to Environmental Chemicals. Center for Disease Control and Prevention. US Department of Health and Human Services.
Hormonally Active Agents in the Environment. 2000. National Research
Council: National Academy Press.
Endocrine Disruptors in the Environment. 2003. International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC). Pure Appl. Chem. 75(5):631-681.
Emerging Contaminants in the Environment. Toxic Substances Hydrology Program. US Geological Survey (USGS).
Pharmaceuticals, Hormones and Other Organic Wastewater Contaminants in US Streams, 1999-2000: A National Reconnaissance. 2002. Environmental Science and Technology 36(6):,202-1211.
EPA's Health and Environmental Effects Research.
American Council on Science and Health
Offers reports, reviews, and other information on public health issues, such as food, nutrition, chemicals, pharmaceuticals, lifestyle, the environment, and health.
Environmental Health News
Environmental Health News is published daily by Environmental Health Sciences, a not-for-profit organization founded in 2002.
Environmental Health Science Education
The site caters to students, teachers, and scientists by offering abundant, age-specific educational and career development resources that aid teaching
about environment and human health connections to elementary, high school, and college students.
National Academy of Sciences
A society of distinguished scholars engaged in scientific and engineering research which publishes through the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences and
the National Academy Press.
National Science Teachers Association
The largest science teachers organization in the US provides news and legislative updates and offers information on teaching resources, policy and guidelines.
Public Library of Science
Articles (research, opinions, features, primers), publishing information, and the rationale for open-access are all available at this web site.
Seventh Generation
Seventh Generation is the nation's leading brand of non-toxic and environmentally safe household products.
Society of Environmental Journalists
Web site of this professional organization for environmental journalists provides briefings about endocrine disruption.
Understanding Medical Research
MedlinePlus's web page amasses information sources on risk, clinical research and trials, and evaluating medical information.
Comparative Toxicogenomics Database
The Comparative Toxicogenomics Database, a joint project of the Mount Desert Island Biological Laboratory and the National Institutes of Environmental
Health Sciences.
Database On The Isoflavone Content Of Foods
US Department of Agriculture and Iowa State University team up and supply phytoestrogen content of vegetables,
legumes, and processed food, such as infant formula.
Environmental Health Perspectives
A peer-reviewed, monthly journal published by the National Institute of Environmental Health and dedicated to the
discussing effects of the environment on human health.
Genomics Imprinting Website
Geared to researchers and students, the site is chock full of imprinting gene data, published research papers, links to other resources, and audio and video symposium presentations all dating back to the mid to late 1990s.
International Programme on Chemical Safety and the Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety peer reviewed information
on commonly used chemicals that may also contaminate the environment and food.
Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI)
The US Department of Energy funds thousands of research projects annually. Now, there's a central web site available
to easily search archives.
Search the National Library of Medicine's premier database to find scientific journal articles on health-related subjects.
Science News
A weekly newsmagazine covering a wide variety of science news, including endocrine disruption.
PubChem is the world's largest collection of freely accessible chemical information. Search chemicals by name, molecular formula, structure, and other identifiers. Find chemical and physical properties, biological activities, safety and toxicity information, patents, literature citations and more.